
COURSE: Simple checks and adjustments to keep you rolling

Reading Bicycle Kitchen is offering a two and a half hour course under the above title. Aimed at the "typical" rider with little or no mechanical experience, and a bike costing between £20 and £500. The course will be run every month in 2023 on dates soon to be published.

After many years of fixing customer's bikes we have found that most problems are caused by the brakes or gears needing attention. So this course will show you how to carry out the necessary checks and adjustments in these areas.

Each section will start with an introduction into how that mechanism is supposed to work, show you what often goes wrong, and how to fix it. There will be a demonstration and, if time allows, a chance for you and a fellow attendee to practice; Bring your own bike for this if you like.

Everything will be provided, from tools to work stands and aprons, even coffee, tea and biscuits. And we will get you cleaned up at the end of the session, but please don't wear your best clothes.

We hope you will find it fun, informative and valuable. We'd be especially pleased if you could use your new skills to help your family and friends fix their bikes.

Please apply by clicking this link:

Get some practical experience on our maintenance course