The Big Bike Revival is a two-week festival of events from 23 May - 7 June 2015 funded by CTC.
Adults in Britain appear to be aware of cycling and its potential for shorter journeys and a large proportion have bikes but are at present not making use of them.
- High volume of Cycle Ownership (42%)
- Low levels of cycle usage (63% not cycled in the past year)
- Propensity to use the car for short trips that could be made by cycle (37% of adults)
The Big Bike Revival is a social marketing programme that culminates in a two-week long intervention to present members of the public with an opportunity to:
- Carry out basic repairs e.g. fix a puncture
- Cycle safely on and off road
- Donate your old bikes
- Buy a recycled bike
- Get advice about local cycle routes, clubs or activities
The programme is supported by the Department of Transport and delivered in partnership with Bike Re-cycle centres that are operating across England.
Reading Bicycle Kitchen are involved with the Big Bike Revival in Reading and will be operating a pop-up bike check at Reading Station on Thursday 28th May, in addition to normal drop in hours at Jackson's. We will also be giving away FREE sets of RBK bike lights to all who hire a stand during the Big Bike Revival.